

The countless hours of classroom instruction and late-night study getting to grips with the Russian language paid off this summer, 25岁的欧文·格兰利说, who was able to put his newly acquired linguistic abilities to good use.

感谢买球平台的资助 俄罗斯的部门, Gramley spent much of the break as an international language volunteer in Krakow, 波兰, where he worked at the distribution centers of two aid organizations.

这些群体是 克拉科夫犹太社区中心Dobro Zawsze Wraca基金会 (波兰语的意思是“好事者总会回来”), both of which are working hard to help some of the millions of Ukrainian refugees who have entered 波兰 since their country was invaded by Russia in February 2022.

Gramley used his language skills (most Ukrainians speak Russian) to translate between refugees, 工作人员, 英语志愿者. 每一天, 他说, 他组织资源提供食物, 服装, and administrative help to the 300 to 400 refugees who rely on these organizations for their daily needs.

“在我在波兰的那段时间里, it was made abundantly clear to me how disastrous the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Ukraine really is,宗教和俄语双学位的学生说. “然而, it was exceedingly meaningful to employ my Russian language abilities to make a small difference abroad.”

25岁的柯春文(Chunwen Ko ' 25)在柏林度过了夏天, 德国, working for a nonprofit that promotes integration between new immigrants (including Ukrainian refugees) and longtime locals. 这个组织被称为 给柏林一些回报 (GSBTB), provides free courses and activities in which Berliners from different backgrounds, 无论是新来的还是出生长大的, 可以学习, 创建, 一起分享, explained the government and Russian double major. Activities include music classes (open to all skill levels), 社区晚餐, 每周一次的艺术空间, 和德语课程.


As a projects intern, Ko said most of his work was hands-on and covered a lot of tasks. “例如, 7月, we held a two-week music camp for teenagers from refugee and migrant backgrounds, during which I helped with meal planning and cooking,他解释道. Ko, who was funded through a grant from Bowdoin’s Office of Career Exploration and Development, 还编写了通讯, updated information on the organization’s database, and physically organized office and project spaces (“which really meant I attempted to tackle our growing mountain of art supplies!”). As well as using his Russian language skills to communicate with some of the refugees, 他还熟练掌握了德语, having spoken “next to nothing” of it when he arrived. All of which, said Ko, made the job a very fulfilling experience.

“A large part of why I wanted to work for GSBTB was because of my own background as an immigrant in the US. I wanted to learn more about the lives of immigrants and refugees in other countries, and 德国 is notable for having accepted many newcomers,他说. “With increasing numbers of refugees and asylees seeking safety in Europe 和 rise of reactionary nativism,他补充道。, “it is an especially interesting time to be here and experience for myself what diversity and integration can look like in Berlin in 2023.”

Colby 桑塔纳 '23, volunteering in Tbilisi, 乔治亚州

科尔比·桑塔纳,23岁 在第比利斯帮助难民, 乔治亚州, where he is spending eight weeks as the recipient of a prestigious 批判性语言奖学金 (CLS)由美国国务院授予.

桑塔纳’s Russian language skills had already been sharpened by a summer spent in the central Asian country of Kyrgyzstan last year, 同样是通过 CLS奖. He will soon be returning to Kyrgyzstan for a ten-month stint teaching English as a 富布赖特学者.

桑塔纳, 在买球平台主修俄语的人, knew he wanted to help the Ukrainian refugee population in 乔治亚州, 所以他联系了一个叫 志愿者第比利斯 about a month and a half before heading there. “I wanted to help the Ukrainian refugee population that had resettled here in Tbilisi and to use my Russian in ways that didn't just benefit me,他说.

估计有26个,000 Ukrainian refugees currently living in the 乔治亚州n capital, and 志愿者第比利斯 helps them access medical care, 住房, 和其他必需品. 桑塔纳’s work has included helping to distribute supplies of donated goods, 从大米到洗衣粉. Some of those he helps are also Russians who have fled to 乔治亚州 after being displaced by the war in Ukraine.

桑塔纳 works directly with many refugees to help assess their needs, although he admits that a decrease in both funding and donations recently has made it harder to give people what they require. 除了这些职责, 桑塔纳“跳来跳去,” helping out where he can and providing translation services when needed—something that tests his linguistic skills to the limit. “Encountering people who have lost so much in the face of violent attack can sometimes be depressing,他说, 但与此同时, 帮助他们是一项非常有益的工作, 和我一起工作的人都很棒.”
