Student Research

数字与计算研究部门提供课程,教任何学科的学生使用数据分析工具来发现文本中的新发现和意义, news media, or social media—that would otherwise have remained hidden.

Summer 2021 DCS Student Research Projects

以下是DCS协调的专业和未成年人科研项目, some of which were featured at Bowdoin's Annual President's Symposium, Family Weekend 2021.

Headshot of Micaela Simeone

A Surdna Foundation Undergraduate Research Fellowship
mentored by Professor Crystal Hall

Headshot of Evren Uras

Evren Uras '23
"How to Erode a Digital Plutocracy for Good"

A Peter J. Grua and Mary G. O'Connell Research Award
under the guidance of Professor Fernando Nascimento

图为参加2019年校长研讨会的学生,他们的项目专门为DCS部门的使命做出了贡献. Pictured clockwise from top left: Jairo Izaguerre '22, Griffin Ng '22, Rose Xi '22, Luca Ostertag-Hill '20, Jack Beckett-Marshall '21

Student Research from Previous Years

Digital & 计算研究专业2021级顶点项目

Reid Brawer '21

Orlando Coyoy Ixquiacche '21

Madeline Rouhana '21

DCS was well-represented at 2019 President's Symposium.

Visit the Bowdoin News recap to learn about the works from other students who presented.

What Could Joshua Chamberlain See At Gettysburg?

Gabriella Papper, Class of 2018

2017年夏天,我和霍尔教授一起回答了“约书亚·张伯伦在葛底斯堡看到了什么”这个问题?” using historical evidence and computational tools.

数字人文学科的方法和工具使我们能够重新考虑葛底斯堡的小圆顶战役. 张伯伦以下令刺刀冲锋而闻名,这一冲锋帮助联邦军防线保住了小圆顶. He is also a prominent figure in Bowdoin’s history. Until now, 张伯伦在战斗中的视线和视角还没有被彻底研究过.

我用可视化软件Gephi创建了张伯伦的通信网络. 使用了买球平台特别收藏和档案中提供的500多封原始信件, 我创建了可视化网络,重点关注内战和张伯伦的通信. 吉弗使我们能够重新定位原始信件的目的,以深入了解张伯伦在战斗中决定的人道主义方面. (Visualizations below)

Graph of Joshua Chamberlin's decisions       Graph of Joshua Chamberlin's decisions in battle

I then used GIS, a mapping software, 考察小圆顶的地理位置,并比较历史地图和现代地图的准确性. 我创建了一张图片,从张伯伦的位置显示了小圆顶的能见度(如下图所示), green is visible and pink is not). 数字工具必须考虑到这个项目中的变量, 包括张伯伦是蹲着还是站着, what the vegetation was like in July, 1863, and how dense the army line was.

Chamberlin's geographical graphs       Chamberlin's geographical graph

 Through this research in digital humanities, 通过结合当代工具和历史证据,我能够对张伯伦在小圆顶的愿景进行更丰富的叙述. 这项研究的信息将被纳入一个新的创新课程,作为今年秋天数字和计算研究计划的一部分. I am extremely grateful to Professor Hall, the Gibbons Fellowship, 以及买球平台的资源,让我有机会参与这个令人兴奋的新计划. 

Faculty Mentor: Professor Crystal Hall

Funded by the Gibbons Fellowship


Digital Study of Gossip in Jane Austen

Title: "A Digital Study of Gossip in Emma." 

By: Phoebe Bumsted '17

In Fall 2016 and Spring 2017, 英语和计算机科学专业的学生菲比·布姆斯特德进行了一个独立的研究项目,研究简·奥斯汀小说中的八卦 Emma using digital tools


Summer 2016 Gibbon's Fellowship

Title: 甜血:美国糖尿病和慢性疾病的历史和本质

By: Wendy Dong '18

最近的历史和研究都表明,慢性病是社会和历史问题, in addition to biological. In this project, 我们关注的是2型糖尿病,并将目标锁定在美国印第安人身上. After collecting all the data needed on this demographic, 我们希望转移到美国的其他少数群体.


Network Analysis of Metadata

Title: "Student Email Ego Network"

By: Intentionally Anonymous

自我网络分析使我们能够将网络分析与社会科学信息相结合. 这个学生试图理解学生的电子邮件网络, 关注自我以及他们的人际网络是如何受到影响的.

GIS map

GIS for Historical Recreation

Title: "Joshua Chamberlain's Legacy - Challenged by Technology"

By: Ana Timoney-Gomez

乔舒亚·张伯伦是否知道他派军队去的是什么地方? 蒂莫尼-戈麦斯认为,由于这片土地的地理位置,我们不能确定他是否这样做了. 利用地理信息系统,她能够重现我们今天所知的小圆顶之战的场景.


Reflections on Technology

Title: "Final Essay"

By: McKenna Thomas-Franz

“虽然理解Python编码、XML或分形分析背后的基础知识很重要, these tools are still being placed in the hands of us, the humans, 因此,我们需要明白,在一个不断发展的科技世界里,我们能带来什么."

US Map


Title: Project Notebook

By: Jason Greenberg

研究问题:从他们的本科生涯开始, 女性是否面临进入STEM相关领域的障碍或强烈反对进入STEM相关领域, specifically the sciences and engineering, due to their gender? 此外,美国境内的地区是否会影响这种性别差异?


Network Analysis of International Diplomacy

Title: “Project Notebook

By: Jack Weiss

几个世纪以来,条约塑造和操纵着边界、安全和贸易. 某些国家是否比其他国家更能影响条约制定和国际关系? 这些特定的权力掮客是否加强了国家安全,使世界变得更安全?

Bar graph


Title: Project Notebook

By: Karla Olivares

“虽然理解Python编码、XML或分形分析背后的基础知识很重要, these tools are still  being placed in the hands of us, the humans, 因此,我们需要明白,在一个不断发展的科技世界里,我们能带来什么."  


Network and Statistical Analysis of SNL’s History

Title: “《买球平台》及其不断上升的政治影响力” with Supporting Gephi Figure

By: Simon Cann

《买球平台》一直依靠对时事的恶搞和讽刺来作为喜剧的来源. 在什么情况下,喜剧表现成为表达和批评政治思想的工具? 喜剧节目能在塑造国家对个人和思想的看法方面发挥重要作用吗? 


The Nature of Data: Introduction to Environmental Analysis

Title: 媒体对Katahdin Woods and Waters国家纪念碑反应的地区差异

By: Allie Briggs with Sabina Hartnett and Roya Moussapour

使用数字工具检查对拟议的卡塔丁国家纪念碑的看法的地区差异. Is attitude different? Does the media portray the controversy differently? How do responses differ?